Main toolbar




This toolbar provides the following commonly used functions:

·      image\file_openlog_inhelp.gif Open Log…: opens a logfile in a new logfile document window.

·      image\file_openrecentlog_inhelp.gif Open Recent Log: opens the most recently used logfile in a new logfile document window.

·      image\file_appendlog_inhelp.gif Append Log: opens the next logfile of the logfile sequence and appends it logmessages to the logmessages of the current logfile document.


·      image\file_openfilterset_inhelp.gif Open Filterset…: loads a filterset file into the current logfile document window.

·      image\file_openrecentfilterset_inhelp.gif Open Recent Filterset: loads the most recently used filterset file into the current logfile document window.

·      image\file_savefilterset_inhelp.gif Save Filterset: saves the current filterset to its file.


·      image\edit_cut_inhelp.gif Cut, image\edit_copy_inhelp.gif Copy and image\edit_paste_inhelp.gif Paste: The standard Windows clipboard operations. As all menu items they are only enabled when applicable. Currently only Copy provides a function. It copies the selected logmessages to the clipboard.


·      image\view_detail_inhelp.gif Detail...: view the whole text of the currently selected logmessage(s).


·      image\edit_find_inhelp.gif Find: used to find a string in the logmessage pane

·      image\edit_findnext_inhelp.gif Find Next: repeat the search in forward direction

·      image\edit_findprev_inhelp.gif Find Previous: repeat the search in backward direction


·      image\window_newwindow_inhelp.gif New Window: opens a new window (view) for the logfile of the current window.
The two views display the same file, but they can apply different filters.

·      image\view_autoscolling_inhelp.gif AutoScrolling: A toggle useful when viewing logfiles online.


·      image\help_about_inhelp.gif About ITLogBook: displays some information about ITLogBook (version, edition, producer).

·      image\help_directhelp_inhelp.gif Direct help: used to get help for a particular part of the user interface.