Loglevel filter toolbar




This toolbar displays and edits the Loglevel filter. The Loglevel filter allows filtering logmessages with special Loglevel combinations.


To set the Loglevel filter, first select one or more of the following Loglevels:

image\filter_levelinfo_inhelp.gif  Info,

image\filter_levelwarning_inhelp.gif  Warning,

image\filter_levelerror_inhelp.gif  Error,

image\filter_levelalarm_inhelp.gif  Alarm.


Then press the

·    or-Button to display all logmessages having at least one of the selected Loglevels

·    =-Button to display all logmessages having exactly the specified Loglevel pattern.


To deactivate the Loglevel filter (get the default setting): Select all Loglevels and press the or button.



Custom filter, Loglevel filter and time filter work additive. See kinds of filters.