How the logfiles of an application are stored

An application that uses iTech LogLib can write logmessages to several logchannels. Each logchannel has its own base directory where its logfiles are stored. These base directories can be setup in the configuration file of the application, which can be modified using the ITConfigManager application -- or, as it is a text file, by using a text editor.


For each execution (or run) of your logging application -- strictly speaken for each initialization of the ITLogLib -- a new run directory, labeled with the start time is created. It contains the logfiles -- the logfile sequence -- of that run.


For your convenience all logfiles of a logchannel are automatically organized in a hierarchy so that you can find logfiles for a special date and time very quickly, especially from within ITLogBook, which provides direct support for this filing scheme.

This hierarchy uses three levels:

·    The first level groups by date: Here you find directories named by the dates. Each directory stores all runs that belong to its date.

·    The second level groups by run. The directories are named by the start (date and) time of the application run.

·    The third level contains the logfile sequence of a run. The files of the sequence are named by their creation (date and) time.

Each file is displayed with its creation time and its current size.


The filing scheme is directly supported by the file open functions of ITLogBook. See Open Log… and Open Recent Log.



If your application runs over midnight the original run directory is still used and therefore contains logfiles of more than one day.