Template variables

Logfile header variables:

·      $ComputerName$ will be replaced with the name of the logging computer.

·      $Application$ will be replaced with application name passed in function Initialize of ITLogLib.

·      $Log channel$ will be replaced with the name of the log channel writing the logfile.

·      $CreateDate$ will be replaced with creation date of the logfile.

·      $CreateTime$ will be replaced with creation time of the logfile.

·      $CreateDateTime$ will be replaced with creation date and time of the logfile.

·      $LogfilePath$ will be replaced with path of the logfile.

·      $LogfileName$ will be replaced with name of the logfile.


Logfile body variables:

·      $Level$ will be replaced with loglevel of the logmessage.

·      $Timestamp$ will be replaced with timestamp of the logmessage.

·      $Module$ will be replaced with module name of the logmessage.

·      $Case$ will be replaced with case name of the logmessage.

·      $Text$ will be replaced with the logmessage text.


Logfile footer variables:

·      $ComputerName$ will be replaced with the name of the logging computer.

·      $Application$ will be replaced with application name passed in function Initialize of ITLogLib.

·      $Log channel$ will be replaced with the name of the log channel writing the logfile.

·      $CreateDate$ will be replaced with creation date of the logfile.

·      $CreateTime$ will be replaced with creation time of the logfile.

·      $CreateDateTime$ will be replaced with creation date and time of the logfile.

·      $LogfilePath$ will be replaced with path of the logfile.

·      $LogfileName$ will be replaced with name of the logfile.

·      $PreviousPage$ will be replaced with name of the previously generated logfile. If the generated
  logfile is the first of a sequence, the variable will be replaced with the current filename.

·      $NextPage$ will be replaced with name of the following logfile. As long as the logfile is not
  finished, the variable will be replaced with the current filename.



·      The variables $PreviousPage$ and $NextPage$ are intended to be used as links in HTML templates to the previous and next logfile in a logfile sequence.


See also:

·      Template for HTML logfile layout

·      Template for text logfile layout

·      Template for XML logfile layout