Template for XML logfile layout

A XML template contains the user-defined layout of logfiles generated by ITLogLib (using XML formatted logfiles) or logmessages exported as XML files by ITLogBook (Save As Dialog).

For your convenience you can generate a default XML templates out of ITConfigManager or ITLogBook and modify it using a text editor.


An XML template must contain predefined keywords ( [$<keyword>$] ) to separate the three parts of a logfile:

·      Logfile header
The logfile header will be written
once at the top of each logfile and contains the XML code following the keyword [$LOGFILEHEADER$] in the XML template

·      Logfile body
The logfile body will be written
for each logmessage and contains the XML code between the keywords [$LOGMSGBEGIN$] and [$LOGMSGEND$]

·      Logfile footer
The logfile footer will be written
once at the end of each logfile and contains the XML code following the keyword [$LOGMSGEND$]


Each of the three parts may contain various predefined template variables ( $<variable name>$ ) that will be replaced either by ITLogLib or by ITLogBook when writing or exporting logfiles.



·      The keywords [$LOGFILEHEADER$], [$LOGMSGBEGIN$] and [$LOGMSGEND$] must stand in one single text line.

·      The keyword lines itself does not appear in the generated or exported logfiles.

·      ITLogLib and ITLogBook use the default XML template if no special template file is specified or available.

·      The sequence "]]>" will be replaced with "]]&#62;" by ITLogLib.