Template for text logfile layout

A text template contains the user defined layout of logfiles generated by ITLogLib (using text formatted logfiles) or logmessages exported as text files by ITLogBook (Save As Dialog).

For your convenience you can generate a default text templates out of ITConfigManager or ITLogBook and modify it using a text editor.


A text template must contain predefined keywords ( [$<keyword>$] ) to separate the three parts of a logfile:

·      Logfile header
The logfile header will be written
once at the top of each logfile and contains the text following the keyword [$LOGFILEHEADER$] in the text template

·      Logfile body
The logfile body will be written
for each logmessage and contains the text between the keywords [$LOGMSGBEGIN$] and [$LOGMSGEND$]

·      Logfile footer
The logfile footer will be written
once at the end of each logfile and contains the text following the keyword [$LOGMSGEND$]


Each of the three parts may contain various predefined template variables ( $<variable name>$ ) that will be replaced either by ITLogLib or by ITLogBook when writing or exporting logfiles.



·      The keywords [$LOGFILEHEADER$], [$LOGMSGBEGIN$] and [$LOGMSGEND$] must stand in one single text line.

·      The keyword lines itself does not appear in the generated or exported logfiles.

·      ITLogLib and ITLogBook use the default text template if no special template file is specified or available.