ITLogLib overview

ITLogLib is a runtime library which provides the functionality for protocolling internal execution and state information in form of logmessages about your application to various targets and for different purposes.


ITLogLib provides an easy-to-use interface for logmessage output. Logmessages can be

·    generated everywhere in your system,

·    filled with internal information about your application and

·    sent to user-defined logical output logchannels.


The output logchannels are responsible for the actual logmessage output. Currently ITLogLib supports:

·    direct output to logfiles of different file formats and

·    output to a log server ( ITLogServer ), which can be used to merge logmessages of several processes into shared logfiles.


After sending a logmessage to a logchannel, its management is taken over by ITLogLib. This includes:

·    decoupled output of your logmessages,

·    resource management of generated logfiles, respectively

·    the communication with ITLogServer.


Without changing your source code and even without the need to restart your application, the output behaviour of ITLogLib can be changed just by reconfiguration using the ITConfigManager.


The logfiles can be viewed and analysed by ITLogBook - either at runtime of your application (‘online’) or at any time later (‘offline’).

ITLogBook provides powerful filter mechanisms for viewing logmessages and other features making your work comfortable and efficient.


See also:

§      Architecture of ITLogLib

§      Which ITLogLib variants do exist?

§      Which ITLogLib variant should I use?