iTech Logging                        ITLogTraceListener/.NET

      The 2nd generation logging solution



Figure:  ITLogLib/.NET as TraceListener


The .NET framework provides the two classes Debug und Trace in the System.Diagnostics namespace. Using these singletons, a .NET application can write its log, trace and debug information at runtime. By default this information is displayed just in the debugger's output window. Additionally the .NET framework provides a mechanism to attach more trace listeners which then also receive this output.


To use ITLogTraceListener/.NET in your application, just extend your application's configuration file (<application>.exe.config) or register this trace listener in your source code (calling System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Add(...)). All generated log, trace and debug information then will automatically be forwarded to iTech Logging.


See also:

Getting Started in three steps



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