iTech Logging                        ITLogTraceListener/.NET

      The 2nd generation logging solution


Getting Started in three steps


For a quick start download the current ITLogTraceListener/.NET QuickStart package to your computer and unzip the archive.



Step 1:

Make ITLogLib/.NET visible for your .NET application.

Just copy the delivered .NET assembly ITLogLib2DotNet.dll to the current working directory of your application.
Step 2: Add ITLogLib/.NET as an (additional) TraceListener to the configuration file of your application.

Just copy the highlighted lines to the appropriate position in your application's config file.
               <add type="iTechSoftware.ITLogLib2.ITLogTraceListener, ItLogLib2DotNet"
                    initializeData="AppName=MyApplicationName; ConfigFile=; WaitForWriteLineToOutput=false; License=eval"/>
In case your application has no configuration file yet, just copy the delivered file MyApplication.exe.config into the current working directory of your app and rename it (replace MyApplication with the filename of your application).
Step 3: Register ITLogBook on your computer (unless you have already installed it using the iTech Logging setup program).

Just copy the delivered files from the subdirectory  iTech Logging 2 to an appropriate place on your hard disk and execute the batch file ITLogBook_QuickRegister.bat.





For a first impression we provide the two samples ITLogTraceSample and ITLogTraceSampleEx in executable and in source code form.



This is a sample where ITLogLib/.NET is not directly referenced by the application. The output to iTech Logging just takes place through reconfiguration and without source code modifications.



This extended sample shows that the ITLogLib/.NET component can be configured as a TraceListener and can at the same time receive logmessages using its API.



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