Filter Date/Time

Menu:  Filter -> Filter Date/Time

Accelerator: Ctrl + T (for Set Both, see below)


Filter Date/Time is as submenu of the Filter menu and contains these menu items:

·      ‘Set Begin To’: sets the begin date and time of the time filter to the date and time of the first selected logmessage and activates the filter. The current begin date and time is always displayed in the left part of the time filter toolbar.

·      ‘Set End To’: sets the end date and time of the time filter to the date and time of the last selected logmessage and activates the filter. The current end date and time is always displayed in the right part of the time filter toolbar.

·      ‘Set Both’: combines ‘Set Begin To’ and ‘Set End To’.


·      ‘Begin’, ‘End’: activates or deactivates (toggles) the Begin respectively End button of the time filter toolbar


See also: Time filter toolbar