About the file menu

The file menu gives you access to the file-related functions of ITLogBook. Most of the menu items are visible only after opening a logfile.

These are the menu items of the file menu:

·      Open Log…: opens a logfile in a new logfile document window.

·      Open Recent Log: opens the most recently used logfile in a new logfile document window

·      Append Log: opens the next logfile of the logfile sequence and appends it logmessages to the logmessages of the current logfile document

·      Close: closes the current logfile document window


·      New Filterset: creates a new filterset in the current logfile document window

·      Open Filterset…: loads a filterset file into the current logfile document window

·      Open Recent Filterset: loads the most recently used filterset file into the current logfile document window

·      Save Filterset: saves the current filterset to its file

·      Save Filterset As...: saves the current filterset to a file of your choice


·      Send: creates a new e-mail, containing the (first) logfile of the current logfile document window as an attachment

·      Properties…: used to edit the comment of the current filterset file


·      1, 2, 3 and 4: These menu items can be used to open to open the four most recently used logfiles.


·      Exit: exits the ITLogBook program instance