Logmessage detail dialog

The logmessage detail dialog shows the Loglevel, timestamp, Module, Case and the complete text of a logmessage, including all formatting done by tabs and line-breaks.




If more than one logmessage is selected in the logmessage pane (multi selection) you can use the navigation buttons to navigate between these selected logmessages.

If only one logmessage is selected (single selection), navigation is possible for all visible (filtered) logmessages in the logmessage pane.

·      image\detail_navigatefirst_inhelp.gif shows the first selected or visible logmessage.

·      image\detail_navigatenext_inhelp.gif shows the next selected or visible logmessage.

·      image\detail_navigateprev_inhelp.gif shows the previous selected or visible logmessage.

·      image\detail_navigatelast_inhelp.gif shows the last selected or visible logmessage.


The logmessage detail dialog supports the following search support:

·      image\edit_find_inhelp.gif used to find a string in the logmessage text

·      image\edit_findnext_inhelp.gif repeat the search in forward direction

·      image\edit_findprev_inhelp.gif repeat the search in backward direction



This dialog is resizeable.



During the time the detail dialog is open no autoscrolling will occur.