iTech Logging                        Source Code Snippets

      The 2nd generation logging solution


Source code snippets for iTech Logging  (Microsoft Visual C++)



Initializing your Windows application


Deinitializing your Windows application


Initializing and deinitializing your console application


Opening an additional logical output channel


Closing a logical output channel




The simplest way to protocol


The standard way to protocol


Defining stream operators for homogeneous protocol outputs (recommended)


Writing to a variable output channel


Conditional creation of logmessages


Explicit sending of logmessages


Explicit cancelling of logmessages


Optimizing performance with active output filters


Service functions


Opening ITLogBook out of your application with current logfiles


Opening ITConfigManager out of your application with the current configuration file



ITLogLib - Initializing your Windows application


ITLogLib must be initialized with a configuration file. This file can be created and edited by ITConfigManager, a special editor shipped with iTech Logging. The parameter application name is user-defined and identifies your application. Initialization fails if the configuration file could not be found.

After successful initialization the standard output channel StdLog is opened and ready to receive logmessages. Additional output channels should be opened within the InitInstance() function. 

See also: ITLogLib - Opening an additional logical output channel.


#include <ITLogLib2.h>

BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance()
   // Initialize the global ITLogLib object (for evaluation use empty LicenseKey string)
   if ( !GetITLogLib().Initialize("MyApplication", "ConfigFileName.icf", "LicenseKey"))
      MessageBox(NULL, GetITLogLib().GetLastErrorDescription(), "Error", MB_OK);
      return FALSE;
   return TRUE;





ITLogLib - Deinitializing your Windows application


Before your application exits, ITLogLib should be deinitialized in order to write out all buffered logmessages and close all opened  output channels.


int CMyApp::ExitInstance()
   // Deinitialize the global ITLogLib object (forces writing out buffered logmessages)


   return CWinApp::ExitInstance();





ITLogLib - Initializing and deinitializing your console application


See also:

   ITLogLib - Initializing your Windows application

   ITLogLib - Deinitializing your Windows application


#include <ITLogLib2.h>

#include <ostream.h>     // only for 'cerr'

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // Initialize the global ITLogLib object (for evaluation use empty LicenseKey string)
   if ( !GetITLogLib().Initialize("MyApplication", "MyConfigFile.icf", "LicenseKey")) 
      cerr << "Starting without iTech Logging :-(";
      cerr << "
      cerr << GetITLogLib().GetLastErrorDescription();
   // Deinitialize the global ITLogLib object (forces writing out buffered logmessages)
return 0;





ITLogLib - Opening an additional logical output channel


Besides the standard output channel StdLog additional application specific logical output channels can be opened. For each output channel an appropriate set of configuration parameters must exist in the configuration file, otherwise OpenLogChannel() fails. Use ITConfigManager to create or edit the parameter set. (See also:  ITLogLib - Initializing your Windows application). 

It's recommended to open all used output channel within the InitInstance() function (for Windows applications) or main() function (for console applications).


   // Open additional logchannel 'DeveloperLog'
   if ( GetITLogLib().OpenLogChannel ("DeveloperLog") == 0 )
      ITLogMsg LogMsg("Application", "Initialize", LEVEL_WARNING); // StdLog
      LogMsg << "Can't open logchannel 'DeveloperLog'";
      LogMsg << "\n";
      LogMsg << GetITLogLib().GetLastErrorDescription();




ITLogLib - Closing a logical output channel


Closing a logical output channel forces writing out its buffered logmessages. If you deinitialize ITLogLib all opened output channels will be closed automatically.

The standard output channel StdLog can’t be closed explicitly by user.


   // Close additional logchannel 'DeveloperLog'
   if ( !GetITLogLib().CloseLogChannel("DeveloperLog") )
      QuickLog("Application", "Deinitialize", "Can't close logchannel 'DeveloperLog'", LEVEL_WARNING);




ITLogMsg - The simplest way to protocol


The easiest way to protocol is using the function QuickLog().


   // Use default loglevel (LEVEL_INFO) and standard logchannel (StdLog)
   QuickLog("Application", "Initialize", "Program started ...");

     // Use loglevel WARNING
   QuickLog("Application", "Deinitialize", "Program terminated by user", LEVEL_WARNING);

// Use logchannel 'DeveloperLog'
   QuickLog("Application", "Deinitialize", "Program terminated", LEVEL_INFO, "DeveloperLog");




ITLogMsg - The standard way to protocol


Logmessages can be created anywhere in your applications code and passed as parameters to subsequent functions calls. Its interface provides different stream operators for C++ base types, which allow a comfortable extension of their logmessage texts. You also can define and use your own stream operators.  The loglevel (info, warning, error and alarm) can be supplemented during the life cycle of a logmessage as well.

A logmessage will be send automatically to its output channel(s), as far as you didn’t explicitly send it or suppress its output.


   bool   bVal = false;
   char   cVal = 'c';
   float  fVal = 1.5;
   int    iVal = 42;
   double dVal = 99.99;
   char   strVal[] = "logmessage text string";
   // Create the logmessage
   ITLogMsg LogMsg("MyModule", "MyCase", /*optional*/ LEVEL_INFO, /*optional*/ "DeveloperLog");
   // Add logmessage text
   LogMsg << "bool: " << bVal << " char: " << cVal;
   LogMsg << " float: " << fVal << " int: " << iVal << " double: " << dVal;
   LogMsg << "\n" << strVal;
   // Add loglevel
   // LogMsg will be sent automatically to its logchannel when destructor is called




ITLogMsg - Defining stream operators for homogeneous protocol outputs


Defining stream operators for your main classes allows comfortable and homogeneous protocolling of its objects instances. The more homogeneous your logmessage texts are, the easier is the future definition of custom filters during ITLogBook analysis.


// Define an operator for easy and homogenous logging
ITLogMsg& operator<< (ITLogMsg& LogMsg, CMyClass& MyObj)
   LogMsg << "Color="  << MyObj.GetColor();
   LogMsg << " (Index=" << MyObj.GetIndex() << ")";
   return LogMsg;



// Use the userdefined operator
CMyClass MyObj("RED", 1);
ITLogMsg LogMsg("MyModule", "MyCase");

LogMsg << MyObj;





ITLogMsg - Writing to a variable output channel


You can create logmessages dynamically using the create function of its output channel.


// Logging to variable logchannel
void LogState (ITOutputLogChannel& LogChannel)
   ITLogMsg LogMsg = LogChannel.CreateLogMsg("Statistics", "State");
   LogMsg << "State=" << 42;



// Call the function
ITOutputLogChannel* pLogChannel = GetITLogLib().GetLogChannel("DeveloperLog");
if ( pLogChannel != 0 )




ITLogMsg - Conditional creation of logmessages


As soon as a logmessage variable is declared, the complete ITLogMsg interface can be used, without producing runtime errors. Subsequent calls to its interface functions simply will be ignored as long as the object is not created. Thus you have the possibility of conditional creation of logmessages.


   // Conditional creation of logmessages
   ITLogMsg ErrorLogMsg;

   // The ITLogMsg interface can be used at this stage, but changes to ErrorLogMsg will be ignored.

   if ( !CheckState() )
      ErrorLogMsg.Create("Statistics", "State", LEVEL_ERROR);
      ErrorLogMsg << "Check failed ";

   // ErrorLogMsg will only be sent, if above CheckState function failed.





ITLogMsg - Explicit sending of logmessages


Logmessages can be sent explicitly, e.g. depending on a condition within your program code. Subsequent calls to its interface don’t result in a runtime error but will simply be ignored. 


   // Explicit sending of logmessages
   ITLogMsg LogMsg("Statistics", "State");

   if ( !CheckState() )
      LogMsg << "Check failed";

   // Additional changes to LogMsg will be ignored, if above CheckState function failed.




ITLogMsg - Explicit cancelling of logmessages


Logmessages can be suppressed explicitly, e.g. depending on a condition within your program code. Subsequent calls to its interface don’t result in a runtime error but will simply be ignored.


   // Cancelling Logmessages
   ITLogMsg LogMsg("Statistics", "State");

   if ( CheckState() )

   // Additional changes to LogMsg will be ignored, if above CheckState function failed.





ITLogMsg - Optimizing performance with active output filters


Using the IF_LOG … END_LOG macro avoids expensive calls to protocol functions if the logmessage will not be written out later, e.g. if you did set up an appropriate write-out filter, or did explicitly cancel (LogMsg.Cancel()) or send (LogMsg.Send()) the logmessage before. (‘Expensive’ means collecting lots of information and append it to the logmessage text.)

Remark: Using ELSE_LOG is optional.


   // Using the IF_LOG macro
   ITLogMsg LogMsg("Statistics", "ObjectDump");

   IF_LOG (LogMsg)
      LogMsg << MyObject.FullDump(); // expensive function




Service-Funktion - Opening ITLogBook out of your application with current logfiles


You may define a (hidden) button in your applications interface, that opens ITLogBook with the current logfile of a given output channel, thus your developer or end user always have comfortable access to the most recent log information. (Therefore iTech logging must be set up on the target system, in order to attach the “ilf” file extension to the ITLogBook application.


#include <windows.h>

#include <ostream.h>     // only for 'cerr'

   // Open ITLogBook with current logfile
   ITOutputLogChannel* pLogChannel = GetITLogLib().GetLogChannel("DeveloperLog");
   if ( pLogChannel == 0 )
      cerr << "Can't open ITLogBook - Logchannel 'DeveloperLog' not open";
   else if (pLogChannel->GetCurrentLogFile() == 0)
      cerr << "Can't open ITLogBook - Logchannel 'DeveloperLog' still empty";
      ShellExecute(0, "open", pLogChannel->GetCurrentLogFile(), 0, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL);





Service-Funktion - Opening ITConfigManager out of your application with the current configuration file


You may define a (hidden) button in your applications interface, that opens ITConfigManager with the current configuration file, thus your developer or end user always have comfortable access to the current parameters, defining the output behavior. (Therefore iTech logging must be set up on the target system, in order to attach the “icf” file extension to the ITConfigManager application.


#include <windows.h>

   // Open ITConfigManager with application's current configfile
   if ( GetITLogLib().IsInitialized() )
      ShellExecute(0, "open", GetITLogLib().GetConfigFile(), 0, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL);





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