Setting up your project

There are at least two ways you can add ITLogLib/Delphi to your projects:

·      The simplest way is to add its source file "ITLogLib2.pas" to your project.

You do that in the Project Manager (menu item "View \ Project Manager" in Delphi6).

·      Especially if you have many projects it is easier to include the compiled unit "ITLogLib2.dcu" in the search path of your Delphi installation.

You can copy the DCU to one of the pre-defined directories in the path (
in particular to Delphi's "Lib" directory) or extend the search path (menu item "Tools \ Environment Options", pages "Library", edit field "Library path" in Delphi6).


No matter which variant you chose, to use ITLogLib/Delphi in a source code module of your project, you have to add the unit ITLogLib2 to its uses clause (or to one of its two uses clauses, if you write a unit -- usually the clause in the implementation part suffices).

Example (taken from the ITLogLib/Delphi demo; for more details see there):


unit MainFrm;




Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,

Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus, ExtCtrls;



uses AboutFrm, ITLogLib2 {ITLogLib2/Delphi};


See also:

§       What ITLogLib/Delphi consists of