About the Custom filter composition tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to compose Custom filters in ITLogBook. Before starting you should probably read the introductory topics about Custom filters


The tutorial is organized as follows:

·      Introduction lesson: This lesson shortly introduces an imagined application for managing customer’s orders. The topic explains how the application can use logging in a way to allow flexible analysis in ITLogBook.

·      The other lessons each define a new filter for a special purpose. They are named after their filters

§      Lesson 1 (named "User action filter"): a simple Module filter.

§      Lesson 2 (named "Deletion filter"): a simple Case filter.

§      Lesson 3 (named "Mr Miller filter"): a simple String filter.

§      Lesson 4 (named "High Level Actions"): uses negation.

§      Lesson 5 (named "Update MyDatabase Filter"): uses AND.

§      Lesson 6 (named "Foo Filter"): uses OR.

·      Summary lesson: This summary lesson also includes a last one, complex filter (named "Exercise Filter").