Displaying only the logmessages of Module "RndModule A"

How to apply the filter:

·      In ITLogBook, in the logfilter pane on the left open the folder "Module Filters".

·      Take the Module filter "RndModule A" (drag it) and drop it in the logmessages pane on the right.

·      Now only the logmessages of Module "RndModule A" should be displayed.


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Please also look here at the count in the status area at the bottom, which displays:

·      just in the middle: the name of the logchannel ("RandomDemoLog")

·      to the right of the middle (example "248/3001 (RndModule A)"):

o     the number of filtered logmessages (i.e. passing the filter condition and, therefore, displayed), in the example 248

o     the total number of loaded logmessages, in the example 3001

o     and the name of the current filter in brackets, in the example "RndModule A".


How to release the filter:

·      To release this filter, i.e. to display all messages again, press Ctrl-Q or select "Filter \ Release Filter" from the main menu or just "Release filter" from the context menu of the logmessages pane.

·      Now the counts filtered (displayed) logmessages versus total loaded logmessages should be equal again.