Using ITLogDemo to generate more logmessages and immediately ("online") view them in ITLogBook

Now you can generate further logmessages with ITLogDemo. They will immediately be shown in ITLogBook.


This done by simply pressing the "QuickLog" button.


Here is in detail how the QuickLog button works, especially to tryout multiple logchannels:

·      In the "LogChannel" listbox you select the logchannel you want to use.
Practically all displays and buttons in ITLogDemo relate to the selected logchannel.
For instance, the button "ITLogBook..." (already mentioned) opens the current logfile of the selected logchannel in ITLogBook.

·      Under "Modules", "Cases" and "Loglevel" you select the values for the corresponding properties of newly created logmessages.
In the next step just try out yourself what this means and look at the results in ITLogBook!

·      The "QuickLog" button creates a logmessage for the selected logchannel with the selected Module, Case and loglevel values and a "Welcome" text.


Technical note: Internally the "QuickLog" button uses the QuickLog global method of the ITLogLib API.


Note about automatically generated logmessages:


Note that ITLogDemo of itself will automatically generate logmessages in the following logchannels, which will be mixed with messages created by your:

·      StdLog: Almost not used by ITLogDemo for itself. This logchannel is just fine for your tests.
Exception: If the content of other logchannels, especially of DeveloperLog, is forwarded to this logchannel, you shouldn’t use it (use Random DemoLog then) or delete the forwarding relation. The forwarding of logchannels can be defined with ITConfigManager.

·      HelpLog: For almost all buttons in ITLogDemo, HelpLog will get a message with an explanation for the button when (after) you press it.
(This is not thought as a help function, but just to demonstrate multiple logchannels technically.)
To view the normal output to HelpLog, make "StdLog" the selected logchannel -- so your output will not disturb HelpLog -- and press some buttons, such as "QuickLog" or "LogBook... ".

·      DeveloperLog: This logchannel will track all mouse movements. Normally there are just many mouse moves, so this logchannel is not suitable for testing other output.

·      RandomDemoLog: This logchannel is also fine for your own tests. ITLogDemo of itself will only use it for the logging performance test ("Random Logging Test" group / "Start" button).